
Border Patrol Union


The National Border Patrol Council The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) serves as the labor union for agents and support staff of the United States Border Patrol. Established in 1967, the NBPC represents over 18,000 members, encapsulating nearly all of the country's Border Patrol agents. This organization is an affiliate of the American [...]

Border Patrol Union2024-10-18T13:36:09+00:00

Letter Carriers & the NALC


What Are the Benefits of Letter Carriers Joining the NALC?Letter carriers can reap several benefits by joining the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) union. Here's a breakdown of some key advantages:Job Security and Representation:Grievance Procedure: The NALC provides strong backing if you encounter problems on the job, including unfair treatment, discipline, or safety [...]

Letter Carriers & the NALC2024-06-04T13:21:33+00:00

2024 Outlook for USPS Postal Workers & Letter Carriers


2024 Outlook for USPS Letter Carriers The outlook for USPS letter carriers in 2024 is a mixed bag, with both challenges and potential opportunities. Here are some key factors to consider: Challenges: Contract Negotiations: The current contract between the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and USPS expired in May 2023. Bargaining for [...]

2024 Outlook for USPS Postal Workers & Letter Carriers2024-01-05T13:31:49+00:00

Expected Changes to DOL-OWCP in 2024


Expected Changes to DOL-OWCP in 2024 Several potential changes for the DOL-OWCP (Office of Workers' Compensation Programs) in 2024 are on the horizon. Here are some key areas to watch: Potential regulatory changes: White-collar exemptions: The final rule revising the exemptions for executive, administrative, and professional employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act [...]

Expected Changes to DOL-OWCP in 20242024-01-04T14:23:55+00:00

How Do I Get a Schedule Award for my OWCP Injury?


To get a schedule award for your OWCP injury, you must follow these steps: Have your OWCP injury claim approved. This means that OWCP must have accepted your claim as work-related and compensable. Reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). This is the point at which your doctor says that your injury is no longer [...]

How Do I Get a Schedule Award for my OWCP Injury?2023-10-27T16:15:17+00:00
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